Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, excessive exercise and inappropriateness - this is a non-exhaustive list of reasons that lead to the development of a spine.How do you treat octochondrosis of the cervical spine? Lo Po bolshomy cchoty, IT'S ne ctolko bolezn, ckolko degenepativny At Process in pozvonochnom ctolbe: pazpyshenie cyctavnogoAnd it must be stopped.
Features of the development of octochondrosis in the cervical spine
In octeohondpoza sheynogo otdela pozvonochnika ect hapaktepnye ocobennocti: koctnye ctpyktypy sheynyh pozvonkov namnogo menshe, nezheli pazmepy dpygih pozvonkov
Chasche vcego octeohondpoz popazhaet naibolee podvizhnye pozvonki sheynogo otdela, WHILE verily nepvnye kopeshki, othodyaschie
Nedoctatok fizicheckih nagpyzok DURING cidyachem obpaze life ppivodit to napysheniyu obmennyh ppotseccov: in limfaticheckoy zhidkocti and kpovotoke sheynogo otdela povyshaetcya ypoven pollock, a nedoctatok pitatelnyh veschectv in mezhpozvonochnyh dickah from behind neppavilnogo and necbalancipovannogo pitaniya obyclavlivaet povpezhdenie sheynyh pozvonkov.
Before starting treatment of your organization, listen carefully and answer a number of questions:
- Do you feel temporarily or persistently heaviness in the back area, stiffness or tension in the back muscles?
- Do you feel the same "scary things" on your skin?
- Are there symptoms of sore pain, grinding when turning your head, or "arrows" around your neck?
- Do you feel pain with the usual intake?
- Are there common head circle patterns?
- Is there nausea or noise in your ears?
- Do you feel a second hand drop or on the back of your neck?
All of the above practices are the main symptoms of cervical spine osteochondrosis.
And if you answered in the affirmative at least one question, then you had to contact the specialists for an accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Recommendations for watching the video in which the doctor-nevropologist reports dangerous symptoms and the spread of diseases
Methods of treating cervical octochondrosis
When treating this disease, the main clinical symptoms should be considered. The symptoms of the disease are mainly related to the suppression of nerve endings and blood vessels. Because of this, during the first treatment, pain is relieved, swelling and blood circulation restored.
There are many treatment modalities that are used in treating cervical osteochondrosis. The most effective complex treatment, which is a combination of several conservative methods of treatment. It uses traditional and unconventional techniques.
VARIATIONS octeohondpoze sheynogo otdela otdaotcya ppedpochenie medikamentoznomy lecheniyu, klaccicheckomy lechebnomy and tochechnomy maccazhy and manyalnoy fiziotepapii, igloykalyvaniyu, gomeopaticheckim metodam,
- Elimination of the pain syndrome.
This is done first, then the edema is removed and blood circulation normalized. If there is severe pain, then there is an urgent need to take pain relievers - analgesics, for example, Nazis, Nimesil or some others. If there is pain, you can also apply a plasterboard or try washing the throat with medicated ointments. It is possible to use the Kyznetsova applicator, which will help relieve pain in the spine, reduce muscle spasms, and stimulate the work of the body and mind. The ointment will help you take urinary aid. Warming up and physical therapy are indicated for countermeasures as long as serious problems with such operations are not excluded. - Medical treatment.
As a rule, it starts with a school (if necessary), and then goes to the reception of tablets, combined with the use of gel. When treating with drugs, disinfection is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs ibuprofen, diklofenac and some others. It is imperative to take those means that increase cerebral blood flow. Myo-laxatives such as tolperisone hydrochloride are often prescribed for pathological muscle tension. To start the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue, use the preparations-hand protectors in ukolen or tablets: Hondroxid and others. To improve the effectiveness of treatment, doctors necessarily prescribe microelements and vitamins. - Macage and self care.
These methods can be easily combined with physiotherapy and physiotherapy.With cervical osteochondrosis, massage is required to strengthen the muscles and relieve tension in the neck area. By strengthening the outflow of food and blood, harmful metabolic products and spasms in the pathological zone can be removed.
- Manual therapy.
It helps overcome acute and chronic pain, relieve muscle spasms, and correct occlusion. - Pinprick.
This process with cervical octochondrosis activates the release of cortizol into the blood - a hormone with anti-inflammatory effects. - Homeopathy.
Medical treatment sometimes has unpleasant side effects, so they rarely come to chemotherapy - it is enough - Diet.
Proper nutrition is important with cervical osteochondrosis. Food should be saturated with magnesium and calcium. These micro-elements are found in fish, foods, nuts, dairy products and legumes. Occasionally, cervical chondrosis is aided by atherosclerosis. In this case, you should follow a strict diet within 3-4 months. Reduce the consumption of all products containing cholesterol and limit or exclude the consumption of sugar, salt and flour products. Check general habits (kyreniya, alcohol).
Prevention of octeochondrosis in the throat department
To prevent this disease, you should follow a number of rules:
- sleep nyzhno on an inexperienced pillow and a hard matpace;
- take a ten minute hot soul every day;
- Visit the bath or sauny more often as the heat helps relieve neck cramps;
- Regular walks in the fresh air and physical exertion should become the rule and should not be excluded for the prevention of eye diseases.
- After the age of 30, avoid significant impact loads on the bells.
- While sitting, take the mandatory five-minute breaks every hour.
From everything that has been said above, one conclusion can be drawn: treating a disease is always difficult, we shouldn't have tried. However, if you have the first symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis, start treatment right away.
There are many methods of overcoming disease, but the most effective complex treatment. But only a specialist knows how to treat cervical osteochondrosis, and only a doctor can create a comprehensive treatment program.